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Join Walter the Wizard and his friends, as they journey to help their friend, the Worry Dragon, who is struggling with unhelpful thoughts and fears and refuses to leave his cave.


We can all have a lack of faith in our own abilities, which over time, judgement towards yourself sets in, which in turn creates hesitation and then the fear and sabotage become prevalent again, resulting in intrusive thoughts, that can soon start to feel overwhelming, especially to a small child.


So how do we prove our unhelpful thoughts wrong?


We start by understanding the minds breakdown processes. The best way to explain this this technique is to: - firstly learn to share a negative thought, surrender it, prove it wrong and then move on from it.

The magic happens in the ‘proving the unhelpful thought wrong’ stage as it builds up confirmation that your initial negative thought didn’t amount to the problem you had originally foreseen.

Every time this technique is used and the problem is proven wrong, it starts to strengthen the cognitive confirmation of been more in control of your thoughts and less consumed by the fear of them.


Walter the Wizard and the Worry Dragon was created to be used as a tool that encourages these conversations on a foundation level of early learning.

A tool that implements the starting point of conversations around unhelpful thoughts and emotions.

I feel that it’s always better to try and introduce these attributes into early learning, sooner rather than later, before the unhelpful thoughts become adult mental health conditions.

Walter the Wizard and the Worry Dragon

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